Citizen Scientists is a volunteer, not-for-profit group that focuses on ecological monitoring, environmental training and education. Since establishment in 2001, we have been monitoring stream health at various sites throughout the Rouge River watershed in Toronto and the GTA. To learn more about us click here.
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Redside Dace (Clinostomus elongatus)
As one of Southern Ontario’s first endangered species to have received formal habitat protection, and a species that we have helped to study and know quite well; we are launching our first species fact sheet to help others better understand the species.
While most think the species decline is related to water quality, it is in fact more likely related to changes in stream hydrology. As our landscapes become more impervious (due to more homes and roads) we see more water flowing into streams and rivers faster. This results in physical changes to the minnow’s habitat, which makes urban environments a less suitable and more stressful habitat to live in. There are a number of other factors that contribute to the species decline including increased water temperatures and increased levels of turbidity in our rivers and streams.
If you want to know more about the species, click on the link below to view our fact sheet, or please feel free to contact us at if you are seeking advice on what can be done to protect redside dace.
For additional information:
‣ Citizen Scientists fact sheet - Citizen_Scientists_Redside_Dace_Fact_Sheet.pdf
‣ Redside Dace Recovery Strategy and Government Response Statement
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