Redside Dace Research
In association with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) and the University of Toronto (UofT), we assist in habitat research of this locally endangered minnow species.
The study (conducted by Mark Poos and Donald Jackson from University of Toronto, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and David Lawrie and Christine Tu from Toronto Region Conservation Authority, Ecology Division, Toronto, Ontario, Canada) looks at the endangered fish, the redside dace (Clinostomus elongatus), and its ongoing severe decline across its entire Canadian range. The predominant hypothesis linked to the decline of redside dace has been the vast urban expansion of the Greater Toronto Area, where most of its range resides.
Citizen Scientists will continue to support ongoing research and education that develops a better understanding of this species and its habitats and promotes a broader awareness of the issues that are causing its decline.